Product Return Policy

We are 100% committed to customer satisfaction. However, since the every product is made to order, we are unfortunately unable to accept returns of functional products. If you have for some reason received faulty product(s), please contact us at and we will instruct you on how to proceed with the return.*


Please note that there are few cases where the products can not be reasonably considered defective. Typical examples of these cases are listed below. These cases are explained more explicitly in the Terms and Conditions.


  • No exact color match is reached between the original image and the final product
  • The product print quality is low due to a too-low quality original image
  • Number of supplied products is between limits stated in sales terms (+/- 5%, if the order quantity is below 100 pieces, +/- 2%, over 100 pieces).
  • The order contains non-functional products/tags , +/- 2%, over 100 pieces)


*We grant every product we sell six (6) months of warranty. The warranty covers manufacturing faults and failure to work during typical usage scenarios. It is not an insurance policy and does not cover any misuse or accidental damage.